Terms & Conditions
AGREEMENT. 签署本许可协议的学生理解本许可协议对学校具有约束力
full academic year (fall and spring semesters) at New Mexico Institute of Mining and
stated within. 以下签署人同意阅读并遵守当前的住宅
在大学的住宿生活网页上浏览:qzr6.rajcmmementos.com. In
addition, the undersigned also agrees to comply with all other current policies, procedures,
和大学的期望,已在网上公布 & via the University
website: qzr6.rajcmmementos.com. 上述文件进一步描述了权利和
大学生的责任 & 客人和,通过参考,是其中的一部分
application and license agreement. 申请人明白大学可修改
without notice.
The undersigned, who is or plans to be a regular enrolled student at New Mexico Institute
of Mining and
Technology, hereinafter called “the Student,” and New Mexico Institute of Mining and
Technology, hereinafter called “the University,” hereby enter into this Room and Board
License Agreement hereinafter called “Agreement” upon the following terms and conditions.
Specific rates, dates, and other information for the proper applicable academic period
are found on the current "Residential Life Rates" sheet, available at the University’s
住宅生活办公室,并通过引用成为本协议的一部分. Rates are
subject to change without notice.
In order to be eligible for University housing, a student must be enrolled in an undergraduate degree program by the University at all times, with no less than 12 credit hours per 包括秋季学期和春季学期. Exceptions Residential Life will allow to these general eligibility requirements include: allowing residential students 持有批准的大学毕业意向表,可以参加任何数量的 credits during their final semester of enrollment; and honoring disability waiver 来自大学住宿咨询和残疾办公室的表格 被授权每学期修不超过12学分的学生. All students living 在大学住房必须证明合理的进步,以追求一个 degree. 申请暑期住宿的学生必须单独提交一份 SUMMER Residential Life Room & Board Application & License Agreement. Exceptions to 这些资格要求可由住宿生活全权授予 学校有绝对的自由裁量权,并保留安排非学生入住的权利 its facilities as space permits.
THIS APPLICATION & 许可协议不能被考虑,也不会有效 未缴付规定的房屋按金.
Students must submit a $200 room reservation/damage deposit before they are assigned housing. 如果学生已经填写了申请房间的必要文件 本学期,但取消房间预订或未到报到的 在上课的第一天,学生将遵守取消上课的政策. If a student is unable to check in by the first day of classes, he/she must submit a request 书面通知他/她预定某一天的房间. This specific day should 自上课第一天起不超过一周. Upon checkout, the room condition 是否会与房间状况记录核对损坏情况. The housing 押金将由大学保留. 押金将退还给学生 account, at the Student’s request, minus any damages or cleaning fees once the Student leaves University housing
本协议不可转让,学生不得转让房屋. It is understood that any request will receive consideration based on available space 以及收到有效申请包的日期,其中包括一份完整的, 清晰的房屋申请表,并提交适当的按金. Subject to the availability of space, the University will attempt to assign accommodations according to student preference, but the University will not guarantee assignment to a particular 建筑,特定的房间或房间类型,特定的室友或其他住宿. 住宿生活部保留分配学生的所有权利 任何可用的大学空间或重新分配学生,如有必要. Transfer from 一个房间到另一个房间将根据可用的空间,日期和时间来考虑 request, and the necessity of transfer. 所有的转让都必须得到银行的批准 Residential Life Office. 大学保留拒绝申请的权利 change or cancel assignments in the interest of order, health, safety, or discipline with appropriate notice.
学生同意与大学签订本协议的期限为 整个学年(或适当部分). The Residence Halls are 在秋季学期和春季学期之间关闭. Students living in University 公寓可以在秋季和春季学期休息期间保留,如果他们有 预定下个学期相同的房间. The Student will not be allowed to occupy a room prior to the scheduled Opening Day or after the Closing Day (specific dates as listed on the Residential Life Rates Sheet) except under special circumstances 获得住宿生活部的书面许可.
1. 下一学期进入大学宿舍的学生可以取消他们的 Room & 董事会申请和许可协议,6月1日前不罚款 (接下来的秋季学期),12月1日(接下来的春季学期)和五月 1 (for the proceeding summer term). 2. 以上日期至开幕日之间 respective terms, the student will be charged a $400 fee for breaking the Agreement/not 第一天上课前报到. 3. 在第一次之后取消房间 当天的课程不符合退还食宿的条件. Fall semester residents who request cancellation of their room & 下个春季学期的董事会成员 still be charged for room & 如果他们仍然在大学注册,他们将获得董事会的批准. 4. Term 日期可在当前的住宅寿命费率表上找到. 5. Cancellations must be in writing. 不接受电话取消预约. Students with extenuating 在任何情况下取消本协议的,可要求放弃取消 fee and/or room & 通过向住宿部提交书面豁免请求来收取食宿费用 Life. 该请求将由一个委员会审查.
所有本科生住宿学生,但不包括住在家庭宿舍的学生 或获得大学咨询中心特别豁免的学生 & Disabilities Services Office, must purchase a meal plan. 用餐服务不迟于早餐开始 the first day of classes and ends no sooner than lunch on the final day of scheduled 秋季和春季学期的考试. 午餐服务也结束了 在大学感恩节假期和春假开始的前一天 break. 复活节假期的餐点是周五的早餐和周日的晚餐 evening. 每学期结束时,未使用的餐食不予退款. No meals will be served during Thanksgiving break. 春假期间,学校可能提供餐饮服务; however, meal plans are inactive.
The University will provide the Student housing in a University residence during the term of this Agreement, except in cases where a temporary assignment may be necessary. 学校将为学生提供一张单人床、五斗橱和书桌 and chair, and closet space, All University pods are equipped with an electric stove, 冰箱,水槽和厨房橱柜. 任何超出正常磨损的损坏 will be charged to The Student. 在任何情况下,学生都不允许退学 大学房间或公寓的大学电器或家具. Common-area 学生宿舍不允许携带家具. 大学同意提供公用事业 包括住在大学宿舍的学生的电、水和暖气. The availability of other amenities (e.g. ; air conditioning, study and lounge areas) varies by residence. 住在阿尔塔米拉诺的学生可能需要支付水电费 considered higher than average for any particular billing period (all utility bills 由Socorro电力合作社生产). The University agrees to provide 然而,每个住宅区的互联网可用性,连接速度和类型 (wireless or Ethernet accessible) may vary and The University will not be responsible 用于暂时或间歇性的连接丢失.
大学应对大学宿舍和场地进行所有维护。 但由于学生的行为或疏忽,学生将被收取维修费 除非是正常的或例行的,并与之相关. The University shall have the right through its agents and employees to enter Student rooms and apartments 用于检查、检查和维护. The Student shall maintain 该物业干净卫生.
如有必要或需要,大学将. Require students to move to other 为腾出建筑物、公寓、楼层、翼楼或房间而提供的住宿. b. 当双人间出现空房时,更改房间分配. It is the Student’s responsibility, in cooperation with the Residential Life Office, to find a new roommate if his/her roommate moves out. 如果找不到室友,剩下的学生必须 be willing to relocate and/or consolidate with another Student or assume an increased rate. c. 在发生疫情时,在医疗指导下控制房间的使用. d. Have staff inspect all rooms for purposes of inventory, fire protection, sanitation, 安全、维护和策略执行. e. Change room assignment (1) for reasons of health, safety, or repair services; (2) for disciplinary reasons; or (3) for reasonable 由居住生活决定的室友不相容.
The Student's signature on the Room Condition Record at check in establishes the Student's acceptance of the recorded conditions of the room/residence and contents at the time ,因此,成为标准的条件,房间和 入住终止时的内容. 学生明确同意承担责任 对建筑物、房间、家具和设备造成的损坏或其他损失 哪一个不是普通磨损的结果,包括任何损坏造成的 any guest of the Student. 学生房间内的损坏由宿舍负责人负责 the Students assigned. 对公共区域造成的损害或其他损失(例如.g., restrooms, 休息室、自习室、洗衣区、走廊、阳台等.) that are not attributable or chargeable to a specific individual or group shall be equally shared by the Students 发生这些损害的居住区域. The Student agrees to pay such damages upon demand. 学生必须按照公布的退房手续办理退房手续 由住宿生活办公室分发和提供的程序. Failure 这样做将导致50美元的不当退房费. In addition, the Student will be assessed charges for failure to turn in a key and/or for cleaning and damages at check-out/upon vacancy. 估计价值低于 $100将于退房后立即结清. Abandoned property with an estimated 价值大于100美元的将保存30天. Storage and disposal fees 会记在学生的账上吗.
In addition to any other right, limitation or provision available to the University, 学生同意学校不对任何失败、延误、 or interruption in performing its obligations due to causes or conditions beyond its control, or which could not be prevented or remedied by reasonable effort and at reasonable expense. 大学及其董事、官员、代理人或雇员不得 be liable for the loss, theft, disappearance, damage, nor destruction of any property 属于、被任何居民使用或拥有的,无论在哪里 财产通常可以保存、使用或储存. The Student is encouraged to carry personal property insurance (i.e. renters insurance).
By reference, all current University policies and procedures, including the Residential 生活社区标准是本协议的一部分. Students are expected to make 他们自己熟悉这些文件. 住宿生活办公室和大学 如有需要,保留更改政策的权利,恕不另行通知. The Student 必须遵守所有的大学政策和适用的联邦,州和 local laws. 在任何时候,学生必须尊重所有社区的权利和财产 members in the residence halls and apartment buildings, regardless of their background, beliefs, values, or attitudes. 不遵守学校的政策或期望 may result in dismissal from University housing, when deemed necessary by the Office of Residential Life. 撤销协议的通知将发给学生 in writing. 在学校作出合理努力与学生取得联系后, 如果学生无法收到协议的撤销通知,则 通知可以张贴在学生房间的门上. The Student acknowledges and 无条件同意:(a)大学有权检查所有 rooms, without prior notice or consent, if necessary for inventory, fire protection, sanitation, health, safety, maintenance, or policy enforcement; (b) the University may control, by medical direction, the use of rooms in the event of an epidemic; (c) the University has the right to vacate any University living area and to require any Student to move to other housing accommodations; (d) the University has the right 要求不合格的受让人改建或指定供人使用的空间 有残疾的学生可以搬到其他学校宿舍.
大学可以终止本协议并占用任何房间 time for violation of any of the provisions herein, defaulting on payment, or where 这符合学校和学生的利益. The Agreement is automatically 如果学生因退学而被正式终止注册,则取消 离校或通过学术或纪律处分开除. Request for refunds 待出缺/最后退房完成后处理. Should the Agreement be terminated, the Student agrees to vacate their assigned University residence within 24 hours unless special permission, in writing, has been obtained from the Residential Life Office. 在本协议项下所有到期和欠下的款项全部付清之前 Student may not register for future course work with the University or receive transcripts, diplomas, or degrees. 学生同意支付所有合理的费用、律师费、 and expenses that shall be made or incurred by the University in enforcing this Agreement.